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G-Force 6460BK

G-Force Racing Gear 6460BK Black 5-Point Junior Pull-Up Racer Latch and Link Individual Shoulder Harness Set

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Dimensions: 12.4 x 10.2 x 3.3 inches

The G-Force Racing Gear 6460BK Black 5-Point Junior Pull-Up Racer Latch and Link Individual Shoulder Harness Set is specifically designed for use with a sub-strap to prevent serious injuries. The sub-strap holds the harness buckle in place over the pelvis area, preventing the driver from sliding down in the seat. The pelvis area can withstand up to 5000 pounds of load, while the abdominal area can only withstand 800 pounds, making proper harness placement crucial. The harness set has adjustable lengths for the shoulder (26 inch - 50 inch), pull-up lap (38 inch - 80 inch), pull-down lap (38 inch - 67 inch), and sub-strap (7 inch - 25 inch). Proper installation is essential for safety.

SFI 16.1 rating
Shoulder: 19 inch - 35 inch
Lap: 18.5 inch - 49 inch
Sub-strap: 6 inch - 15.5 inch
Available in black, blue and red
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